Bible Reading

Prepare for Sunday

  • Check the readings either in Elvanto or in the Friday Afternoon Bulletin

  • Read the passages through a couple of times and reflect on what words and sentences are important

  • Consider whether a brief introduction to the context of the bible passage will help people understand what it is saying

Before the service

  • Arrive early enough to see the Service Leader and check when in the service the Bible reading will be

  • Check that the microphones are set up as normal, and if not check which you should use

  • Find a church bible and check the page numbers so you can tell people during the reading

During the service

  • When you go to read the Bible, first check that the microphone is pointing at your mouth

  • Introduce the Bible reading and tell people which page it is on in the church bibles

  • Read evenly and clearly. Don’t let nerves get the better of you ;)


Morning Tea | Victoria Point


Service Leading