Already serving and wondering what you’re supposed to do?

Find a way to serve…

Our part in God’s work

Our church is Jesus’ body and he equips each of us to benefit everyone. Here are just some of the ways you can help serve in our church family. Contact the person listed to find out more.


Up front in our Sunday Services - Redland Bay

Description: for people comfortable reading the Bible, praying publicly or in some other way helping with our Sunday services
Who to talk to:
Leath Olssen 0439 454 727


Music - Redland Bay

Description: playing an instrument or leading the singing, help us rejoice in Jesus and his kindness
Who to talk to:
Joel Hughes 0439 454 727


Setup, Welcoming and Morning Tea - Redland Bay

Description: help us welcome well on a Sunday. Help with setting up chairs and equipment, be a welcoming face at the door, or serve a cup of coffee and some biscuits after the service
Who to talk to:
Wendy Kefford 0447 623 385


Care Team - Victoria Point and Redland Bay

Description: meeting monthly we try to keep aware of needs in our church, pray for them, and monitor whether there are people able to provide care and support
Who to talk to:
Ruth Reid 0488 412 530 (Victoria Point), Lyn McCartney 0488 118 606 (Redland Bay)


Children and Youth - Redland Bay

Description: our children matter to us and we want leaders who will protect them and disciple them in a relationship with Jesus. If that’s you we’d love to talk to you. Of course, you’ll need a Blue Card and we have a process of approval and training before we let you lead our kids, but we need leaders with a heart like Jesus - that looks out for kids
Who to talk to:
Jocelyn Williams 0403 325 319


Serve at Victoria Point

Description: Welcome at the door, help serve Morning Tea, or read the Bible or pray during the service. Let Lisa or Doug know you’re interested
Who to talk to:
Lisa Leishman
0402 654 613, Doug Corney 0411 487 685