Home Group Coordinating
Care for your Leaders
Pray for the Gospel Community leaders
Identify and recruit new leaders, subject to sign off from the Senior Minister
Publicly encourage and praise leaders
Develop leaders’ skills by giving tips, pointers and organising training
Meet with leaders to care, encourage and equip, and to listen to where they’re at
Care for your Gospel Communities
Visit (or organise others to visit) groups periodically to see how they’re going
Monitor groups’ health (eg. what are groups studying, how are they caring for members)
Seek feedback on studies/help leaders find suitable material for their groups
Support leaders and groups in trouble (eg. dysfunctional group dynamics)
Care for the Ministry
Work with Minister to ensure groups are regularly promoted/stories are shared
Help People connect to suitable Groups, or move between groups when needed
Work with Minister to set overall direction for the Ministry and review effectiveness
You will also follow our Ministry Coordinator Values
Total time expected: 3 hours a week including your usual home group attendance