Ministry Coordinator Values
Volunteer roles are a way to love people, not perform a task. (EG. Morning tea is not serving food, but serving people).
Serving is a way to start “tasting” the gospel and catching discipleship.
No offline documents. Work through Elvanto and online Job Descriptions (not emailing spreadsheet, or hardcopy rosters) to keep all our information together.
No hidden curriculum. All our information is available online. Face to face meetings are for creating culture. Clear job descriptions and on the job training from Team Leaders.
No one is indispensable. Work in teams wherever possible so people get skilled up and everyone is redundant. Break roles down into smaller units. Rule of thumb: no role to be more than 1 hour per week commitment. (Assuming everyone will be involved in a home group)
Nothing is uncancellable. Make do with what we have – especially people resources. Do a few things well. Don’t burn people out for the sake of the program.
No “arm chair experts.” Lets work together to create a problem solving culture not a problem spotting culture. Criticism should be constructive, and go to the person who needs to change not third parties, except bullying and moral failure….
No leaks. Guard people’s privacy and contact details.
If you have team members under 18, there is to be no direct electronic communication with them that does not include their parents/guardian.