Welcome to Shore Hope
We’re so glad you’ve come, whether it’s a one-time visit or you’re looking for a new church home. If you haven’t checked it out already, our website is a great place to find helpful information about us. But particularly here’s a few things we recommend you do as you check out our church family
Do you have kids?
Our duty of care means we need you to register your children to participate in Shore Hope Kids and other kids ministries.
Fill in our Connect Card
Give us a bit of information about yourself so we can get in contact and tell you more of our church.
Attend Newish
Once a term we’ll hold a Newish gathering so you can find out about our church - why we exist and what we care about. Or if you can’t wait, email and we’ll organise a time to catch up.
Explore Life
Got questions about Jesus or want to find out what Christians are about? We regularly run a course that goes through the basics of what Christians believe. Sign up now