
Good welcoming helps new people feel welcome and build relationships, and helps regulars feel connected and valued. It is also important as the first step of building a culture that Shows Jesus’ love.

Prepare for Sunday

  • Pray for people you’ll meet and conversations you might have

  • Check in with others on your team

Prepare to welcome

  • Arrive about 30 minutes before the service (at Redland Bay, you especially need time to setup the welcome desk)

  • Check for what needs to be handed out and any other display material

  • Check if someone else can record attendance (Russell usually will if he’s there and sometimes others are rostered on. Keep your focus on speaking to people)

Welcome and connect

  • Warm smiles, say hello

  • For new people, find out names (and take a note if possible).
    Give them a newcomer’s flier
    Introduce them to regulars who can continue conversation and help them find a place to sit
    Suggest they can fill in a Welcome Card if it seems appropriate

  • For regulars, say hi and chat a little (but stay available for the next arrival)

  • Take a seat once arrivals seem to drop off (typically after the first song or so). If you want to sit at the back you might catch late arrivals

Follow up after the service

  • Make sure the welcome area is cleaned up and packed away

  • Check that Russell or one of the elders know about any visitors

  • If something is needed for the welcome desk, let Doug (VP) or Wendy (RB) know


Morning Tea | Redland Bay